Rozome definition


Kiranada Sterling Benjamin, 2011

RO-KATA: JAPANESE WAX STENCIL PROCESS is the first in a long-awaited series of instructional DVDs by master artist Kiranada Sterling Benjamin.

A “complete course on one disc,” RO-KATA covers the origins of this unique process in 8C Japan and its contemporary development as a flexible art techniq ue for applying pattern to fabric with wax and dye. It is only in the past thirty years that ro-kata (wax stencil) has been explored enough to be a viable alternative to other pattern-making techniques such as fabricated-metal wax stamps.

Included in the DVD are ten units on:

• History • Cleaning Stencil
• Materials • Waxing hibiscus
• Cutting a Stencil • Dyeing
• Preparing to Wax • Blending Process
• Applying Wax to Stencil • Steaming and Finishing

This 53 minute DVD is accompanied by a booklet of written instructions on Process, Sizing and Streaming the fabric for permanency.

This is the first  DVD available, world-wide, of this exciting, innovative process.

For the artists as well as the art educator: Ro-Kata gives information on how to prepare and utilize a strong re-usable paper stencil with confidence. The process of Ro-Kata comes with the advantage of a low investment in materials and greater flexibility for design building. It can appeal to the artist wishing to create single-image art and those wanting unique background pattern such as in the fashion industry.

Kiranada’s research into ro-kata has spanned twenty-five years, and was first documented in the book The World of Rozome: Wax-Resist Textiles of Japan. Her personal work with ro- kata includes its use on kimono, obi, scrolls, standing screens as well as fashion and wall hangings. 

$35, plus postage and handling (varies by destination).

Available in two formats: NSTL (for North & South America and Japan
  PAL for everywhere else

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More about this DVD

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