Transcendence, detail from scroll, Rozome by Kiranada Sterling Benjamin
—NEWS continued—
Kiranadā learns first-hand about its life cycle
Art From a Thousand Days

Art From a Year of Silence

New Hampshire Chronicles interview with Kiranada: click here to view this magical seven minutes. |

“Radiating Light: The Auspicious Path of Kiranada Sterling Benjamin,” Leanne Jewett. Fiber Art Now, Winter 2012. Download as pdf
To read an article by Kiranada about exhibiting in Bali, click here
cover article, by Katherine Aimone
April Issue, Fiber Arts Magazine
and see a review of Visual Meditations, a collaboration with Luanne Rimel,
in Surface Design Journal, Winter 2007
Silk Painters International Juried Exhibition, Santa Fe NM
Award: Public’s Choice |
Watch “Kiranada - The Arts, Beauty, and the Greater Mandala” by thebuddhistcentre on Vimeo. Click here to view.
Here’s Kiranada from Aryaloka, celebrated artist and worker in non-harm silk, speaking on her return from a year on a Buddhist solitary retreat in the deep silence of the New Zealand bush. Filmed in the brilliant fall sunlight of New England, USA, Kiranada offers both down-to-earth suggestions for working in the ‘greater mandala’ of our lives through the Arts; and also inspiring verses and reflections on the place of silence, of craft, and of inner magic in a spiritual practice. Some beautiful gleaned moments of perception and insight from an artist in love with the great work she invites us all to take further in our own ways.
Recorded in Portsmouth, New Hampshire for the 2015 Triratna International Urban Retreat." |

To watch Kiranada's recent talk at The Textile Center. Minnesonta, on Art and Meditation please click here.
Kiranada won the “Best in Fibers” Award at the Living With Crafts Exhibition, League of New Hampshire Craftsmen’s 85th Annual Fair for her piece Om Under the Lotus Leaves.

New website for Kiranada's Solitary Retreats 

The World of Rozome now available on CD! More info and purchase
New DVD now available
To order click here
More about the DVD